White Lightning Harley-Davidson® H.O.G.® Chapter (#1173)
Welcome to the White Lightning Harley Owners Group! We understand the excitement you feel when riding your Harley-Davidson motorcycle. The reasons that led you to choose a Harley-Davidson motorcycle were your own. It wasn’t just a Harley you bought—IT’S A LIFESTYLE!
As an established local Chapter within the National Harley Owners Group, we also believe that your ‘Harley’ experience can be made even better through your participation and affiliation with others who share your passion and dreams. It is a lifestyle that we can all share and enjoy together! Our Chapter is both dedicated and enthusiastic with members from all walks of life, all shapes and sizes, ages and experience.
By joining White Lightning H.O.G., you will be opening the door to a whole new world of experiences. The variety of activities for members and guests is how the Chapter ensures you will have plenty of opportunities to ride and have fun. Bonds are made and lasting friendships develop through group riding. We become a family!